Wednesday Inspiration Nights at Grace

We gather for fellowship and spiritual growth on Wednesday evenings. Check out upcoming meals and groups below!

Upcoming Meals

Join your church family for dinner at 5:15PM in the Wesley Center.

Doors open at 5:00PM. Pay early and go straight to the serving line.

Permanent registrations are no longer being taken, but we are happy to help you sign up for one session of meals at a time. Click on the date(s) you wish to sign up for.

Session 6 Classes & Groups

Grow closer to God and others. Let us know you are coming - we can't wait to grow with you! (Session 6 is April 23 - May 21.)

  • "From Cross to Creeds: A History of the Early Church" with Pastor Patrick
  • "Jesus and the Prophetic Voice, Yesterday and Today" with Amber Forrest

Register for one of these upcoming Bible Studies here.

  • "Genesis & Exodus" Study with Disciple 2 (ongoing study)
  • GriefShare with Kevin Hendrick & Pam Emory-Siedling (register here)
  • The Men We Need with Misfits Small Group (order the book here)
  • GIFTS in the Evening Craft Group with Cheryl May and Patsy Miller

"Path to Grace" New Members Class

Path to Grace is our new member class at Grace United Methodist Church. It is designed to help you feel at home, meet new friends, and discuss:

  • What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
  • What does it mean to be a United Methodist?
  • What does it mean to be a member of Grace UMC?

It is offered 4 times a year, in the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.  Our New Member Sunday will be about 2  weeks after the last class. 

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