We offer classes for people in every place of the journey of faith. Whether you are taking your first steps or been on the journey for a while, there is a place for you here.
Using the backdrop of the books of Genesis and Exodus, participants will spend 12 weeks engaging with various spiritual disciplines (including Sabbath and prayer) as they commit to respond to Scripture through ministry in the world.
Calling all 20s & 30-somethings! Eat some great food and meet some awesome people at our monthly gatherings. Text @graceya to
833-235-9706 to receive updates!
This fun group of retirees meets monthly for luncheons and excursions. We would love you to join our fellowship! Check back soon for a line up of activities!
This group is maturing into a 30-40-ish group composed of families with and without kids, but we welcome anyone in the young adult category to join us.
With a focus of 'Don't Stop Believing', we encourage each other through all the new adventures and phases of the journey of life we are sharing together.
Members share and rotate teaching responsibilities, encourage group discussions, and have guest speakers. Members participate in mission projects and community outreach such as Salkehatchie, the F3 organization, and children's ministry. The class is responsible for the Angel Tree project and shares responsibility for the Chrismon Tree with the Cokesbury class. We also fellowship together outside the Sunday School hour with oyster roasts, cookouts, and lake days.
Class meets in the upper level Asbury Building.
The Cokesbury Class is a large, growing class of active empty-nesters with a “small group” quality. Our objectives are spiritual growth, devoted friendship, and fun-filled fellowship. We always welcome visitors and new members.
What to expect:
We gather with fellowship, coffee, and refreshments. A class member will offer the weekly devotion, lead in a hymn sing, with piano accompaniment, and share experiences. On a planned rotation, teacher will lead lessons using the Adult Bible Series as the basis for excellent lecture and lively discussion.
In addition to caring for one another and studying the Word together, we participate in missions both local and global.
We occasionally meet up for informal dinners, theater outings, card games, and an annual Christmas party.
In times of need, we individually and collectively provide prayer, listening ears, encouraging words, a quiet presence, meals, and whatever assistance is required.
Class meets in the lower level of the Wesley Center
Family Foundations consists of married, single, divorced and widowed members. The age of members range from 40 to 60 year old. We support one another and our families.
Our lessons consist of group discussions of books and videos from Max Lucado, Andy Stanley, and David Jeremiah. We have socials during the year.
Class meets in the lower level of the Wesley Center
This is a mission focused group of singles and married couples ages 30 and up.
Our class is actively involved in member-led devotions and lessons. We also incorporate video series such as Andy Stanley into our lesson plans. Our class members also lead our “Mission of the Month” support. We are connecting to God and each other through fellowship outings each quarter.
Class meets in the lower level of the Wesley Center
A group of mostly age 60-70s, couples and singles who enjoy diverse lessons and lively discussions.
Six members rotate teaching responsibilities. Many class members are in leadership or service positions within the church. The Seekers are generous in response to needs presented by various Grace program areas and class members, and participate in outreach to our homebound members. We reach out to the community and beyond through support of Community Ministry, Ronald McDonald House, Bolivia and other church missions.
Class meets in the lower level of the Wesley Center
The class is comprised of singles and couples sixty and older; however, new members of any age are welcome.
Members have embraced and adopted a quote by John Wesley as the Class Description: “We are a family held together by the bonds of Christ, committed to discovering and doing God’s will. And so may it ever be.”
The Stillwell Class has been in existence since 1949. Class members have been instrumental in the development of Grace and have remained active in the discipleship, service, and missions of the church. Promoting and supporting missions, both local and beyond, is an important goal of the class focusing on Community Ministries of North Augusta, Epworth Children’s Home, and Wesley Commons Retirement Facility. Church projects, programs, and other missions are also avidly supported by the class.
Individuals serve in various roles of the church as well as the community. Excellent teachers rotate on a weekly basis to bring inspirational and educational lessons from the Adult Bible Series Curriculum.
The class also enjoys various social functions and Christian fellowship during the year ending with a special luncheon and program at Christmas.
Captured in part of the class prayer, “glad to do whatever we can for those who need our help ” is a significant goal of the Stillwell Class.
Class meets in the lower level of the Wesley Center
The Women of Faith Sunday School class was established in 2015 to reach out to women of all ages, backgrounds, and circumstances who need and desire to study the scripture. We strive to be a sanctuary for all in attendance, a safe place to lean on others in times of need and learn more about God and His love through scripture.
Our mission is in step with Grace UMC To Know Christ and Make His Love Known. To that end, we begin our class at 9:45 am with business/announcements and our lesson for the week, followed by prayer requests and closing. We strive to start our lessons at 10:00 am to give our teachers adequate time to share the lesson they have prepared as well as offer discussion to follow.
Our teachers are a mix of class members and guest teachers (including John Newell, and Joanne Watson, among others), as we all aim to learn together. We are currently working our way through the Bible Study, “Characters of Easter,” enjoying the stories and how they relate to our lives.
We welcome all visitors, regardless of gender, age, or marital status.
Class meets in the lower level of the Wesley Center
Christians are to gather together! We have several great groups that allow you to meet other believers, share interests, and grow in your faith. For more details about meeting locations or schedules, check out the Calendar.
Seasonal Offerings
Groups gather in homes, online, or at church for a sermon-based study, fellowship, and prayer.
Mondays at 11AM
Sermons come alive when you're involved in the process! Join a pastor in discussing the upcoming Sunday sermon scripture.
Tuesdays at 9:30AM
Join women of all ages and stages for short-term Bible studies, led by Mary Chris Newell.
Wednesdays @ 8:30AM
-Sunrise Grill (North Augusta)
Rise and shine with delicious food, devotional time, and discussion.
-Men's Group at 9:45AM with Rev. Dr. Joe Lusk
-Women's Group at 10AM with Laura Lusk
Join a small group for a walk through the weekly Upper Room readings.
Wednesdays at 12:30PM
Thursdays at 9:30AM
Bring a partner or join a team for some card-playing fun!
Wednesdays at 6:15PM
Do you ever feel like you don't quite fit in? Come stand out with this group, led by Ally Norman.
Wednesdays @ 6:15PM
Dive into the Word by joining us on Wednesday evenings. These seasonal studies are a great way to learn more about your faith.
Thursdays at 6PM
Do you need a safe place to share your hurts with others? This group is here to listen and support one another through trying times.
Wednesdays at 6:15PM
When we lose a loved one, we need support to get to a place of peace and acceptance. We are honored to provide this support group to our community.
Join UMM for a guys' night out with a chicken or steak dinner on the cheap! UMM gathers for dinner and an interesting speaker once a month. They also have various projects throughout the year that they do to help our church and community.
The Women of Grace consists of several "circles" that gather once a month for fellowship, prayer, and a mission project. The whole group gets together throughout the year for great causes like our annual Pillow Ministry event.