During last week's Easter celebrations, we were transported back to the somber morning of the resurrection as recounted in the Gospel of John, chapter 20. Mary Magdalene, a woman healed of seven demons by Jesus, does not recognize him outside of the tomb. What does this Mary have to teach us about faith?
Seeking Jesus Amidst Doubt and Grief
Mary Magdalene's journey to the tomb on that dark morning was marked by uncertainty and sorrow. Faced with the reality of Jesus' crucifixion and the empty tomb before her, Mary grappled with doubt and fear. Her hesitation to enter the tomb reflects the doubts that can cloud our own hearts when confronted with life's trials and uncertainties. Like Mary, many of us may find ourselves questioning God's presence in the midst of suffering or grappling with doubts about the reality of Jesus' resurrection; she is reminder to us that it's okay to question and have doubts. Moreover, Mary's eventual encounter with the risen Jesus teaches us that even in our moments of doubt, Jesus meets us where we are and calls us by name, offering us the assurance of His presence and love.
The Importance of Seeking
Peter and the other disciple's swift response to Mary's report of the empty tomb serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking Jesus diligently. Despite their lack of full understanding of the scriptures, they were compelled to seek out the truth for themselves. Their eagerness to investigate the empty tomb challenges us to actively seek Jesus in our own lives, even when faced with uncertainty or skepticism. So many people in our world are searching for meaning, purpose, or a deeper connection with God. Whether through Scripture study, worship, prayer, or service to others, the invitation to seek Jesus offers hope and direction to those navigating their faith journey.
Encountering Jesus in Unexpected Places
Mary's initial failure to recognize Jesus, mistaking Him for the gardener, highlights the reality that Jesus often reveals Himself to us in unexpected ways and places. Despite standing in the presence of the risen Christ, Mary's grief and preconceived notions initially prevented her from recognizing Him. This serves as a poignant reminder that Jesus may be present in our lives in ways we least expect – in the faces of strangers, in acts of kindness, or in moments of quiet reflection.
Sharing the Good News
Mary's joyful proclamation to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord," embodies the essence of our Christian faith – the call to bear witness to the reality of Jesus' resurrection. Her fervent declaration serves as a model for us as members of the local community, inspiring us to share the good news of Jesus' victory over sin and death with others. Just as Mary ran to tell the disciples of her encounter with the risen Jesus, we are called to be ambassadors of hope and reconciliation in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and families.
May we, like Mary, continue to seek Jesus diligently, recognize His presence in unexpected places, and joyfully proclaim His resurrection to a world in need of hope and redemption. Amen.